Tararua Forest Park, Kiriwhakapapa Road End
Team: Ray (Leader), Jackie, Jane, Corwin 1 other (aplogies, I have forgotten names from then!), Me
Starting in the usual way, with the group meeting at the railway station at 5.30, we proceeded over the hill and stopped for my first dinner at the great kebab shop in Carterton. The Kiriwhakapapa road end was reached with no great drama (which was great given we were in the crapper old bus!), and beds were constructed in the shelter.
Saturday dawned clear and quite warm, and we wandered along the track towards Mihimihi, looking for a spur heading off the side where we would leave the track and start bush bashing. It was surprisingly obvious and easy to find! The plan from there was to head up the ridge to Te Mata, a small peak, then down and on to the track and on down to Cow Creek.
The navigation was something we only did because we wanted to, as it turned out that the ridge was an old track of some sort, and was clearly marked every couple dozen meters with pink markers of various types. Hence, Te Mata was reached without too much ado and lunch was had.
The track from Te Mata down to the river and Cow Creek Hut is steep and nasty, and I have vowed never to do it again. Once at the bottom, there was a bit of track that had washed away in a slip and a short river sidle was required, before we reached the bridge that marked we had arrived at the hut.
Cow Creek Hut is lovely, and if there was an easier way to get there, I would definitely go again! 6 bunks, old forest service style with a wonderful potbelly that we stoked up before all taking a nap before dinner. Sleep was early for everyone, since the was no table to sit around and play cards and the weather was packing in.
In the morning we headed back out, straight up and over the hill towards the road end. The short sidle in the river had turned into a well beyond knee deep mission due to overnight rain, which had also made the track slippery in many places.
While the others all headed off to Blue Range hut for a visit, I kept plodding along, worried that if I didnt I would be entirely left behind. The track down from Blue Range is also very steep, and VERY suddenly flattens out. I was caught about 10 minutes from the end of the track, and was very glad to get home!
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