DAY ONE: While a couple of kms only had very small elevation gains, all of them had climb, and some climbs were sizeable - up to 136m at a time. Unsuprisingly, the 136m climb was our slowest split, taking nearly an hour to do 1km (we might have also had a stop or two where I kept tracking). Our fastest section was the start - where we opted to stick to the beach as we knew where it would re-join the track and avoid starting with a solid hump to go up and over.
Fitbit: 30,016 steps
Map My Walk: 13.71km, 366m gain, 34,991 steps while walking, 5879kJ
DoC: 13km
DAY TWO: My tracker was way over excited this day, there are heaps of little bonus loops in the tracking, so while DoC says its 11km from the hut to the road end then 2km in to town (13km total roughly), Map My Walk reckons we did an extra 2km for the day.
No 100m+ climbs this day, thankfully, and our pace stayed pretty steady (even if over-stated by MMW).
Fitbit: 31,116 steps
Map My Walk: 15.01km, 255m gain, 27,338 steps while walking, 5104kJ
DoC: 11km track + 2km back into town
Really need to get around to uninstalling and reinstalling Map My Walk, as I've heard a rumour that's how you stop this happening: